
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

XBLA Mini Review

I recently got a 4000ms point card (big mistake) and with it I bought a few games, one of which is Flock. Basically Flock is a want-to-be physics based puzzle game. The whole premise of the game is to use your little UFO to flock sheep, chickens, cattle, ect. into the bigger UFO, why they're doing this? I don't know. Early on in the game all you have is your little UFO to scare animals into the big UFO. Later on you get things like a speed boost, a tractor beam, and a de-tractor beam?. The physics are pretty over the top, if you try to pick up a sheep, they explode. And also sometimes the animals get stuck behind trees or fall off the map. The difficulty ramps up as you move along, so it may require you to think. There is a co-op mode, which is kinda fun if you have a partner that you can rely on. Also, the art style is really well detailed and vivid with colors. Flock is a good time waster if you have only 15 or so minutes, but dont expect much. The price point is a bit high at 15 dollors or 1200ms points. But, if youre into puzzle games this is a good buy. Flock gets a 9.0 out of 10.

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