
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

G.I.N Best of E3

E3 has come and gone, so the G.I.N staff have put together their favorite games and conference for you to see.

First up is me. My favorite game coming out of E3 is Sony's MAG, or Massive Action Game. The sheer size of this game is enough to get me excited, not to mention no lag, and features such as a communication block that actually makes the opposing team not able to speak to each other for a certain amount of time. 256 players, no lag and, plenty game modes, makes MAG, undoubtedly, my game of the show. I also think that Microsoft's press conference was the best overall with games, technology, and the best presentation ever out of a company at E3. They showed game after game after game, and revealed, probably the best thing that came out of E3, Project: Natal.

Now, Jordan The Hobo

As someone who watched all of he major press conference and extended coverage on E3 it may become a surprise as to the game I pick. But my favorite game of E3 is . . . .Scribblenauts. What the F you say is that. Well shut up while I tell you. Scribblenauts is a Nintendo DS game coming later this year by the developer 5th cell. The basic concept is that you can type or write just about any noun you can think of to achieve an objective. Whether it be to solve a puzzle or chop down a tree. I know it sounds lame when I say it but don't take my word for it. Go to youtube and look up some previews from E3. And for all of you that are too lazy I did the work for you. As for the conferences, I have to go with Microsoft just by a hair. With their showing of Metal Gear: Rising as well as project Natal. It shows that is really trying to change the way games are played and not just a gimmick like the Wii.

Next up, Brian.

E3 is a while back but we never covered it so I'm just going to announce my favorite game and favorite conference. Well my favorite game was of course Call of Duty; Modern Warfare 2 because 1. I love Cod 4 2. It looked great, graphics are good and gameplay looked sweet. The Microsoft conference was of course the best with the announcement of project Natal which had my mouth hanging open in anticipation. The complexity of the camera and it's recognition abilities is amazing. Also a lot of exciting games were announced and I'm quite excited for this years games.

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