I've been interested in Brutal Legends ever since it was announced. The game looks really cool. The ideas are new and funny and I am incredibly pumped for this game. One of the things that really made me excited was the fact that Tim Schafer and his studio Double Fine are making this game. If you're unaware they made the ps2/xbox game Pshychonauts. Which was critcally acclaimed to be one of the best games of the generation. Also one of my favorite actors/comedians is the voice of the main character *drum line please* Jack Black. He is going to be the character Eddie Riggs whom is the main charater of the story. The narritive of this game is about rock mythology and the history of metal, Basically a Riggs somehow finds himself in the land of Rock (due to a magic belt buckle) and becomes a rock legend.
This game appears even at its early stage to be extremely funny. It looks like it will have good gameplay and will be quite enjoyable. Personally I can't wait because it's been years since a game has made me laugh a deep belly laugh like Psychonauts.
Another thing that makes me want to play this game is that it's all about the rock/metal genre and that's my favorite genre of music so they can't go wrong there. If I had to compare this game to something other than the essence of awesome I'd say it'd be the video game for the movie Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny because it's about rock awesomeness and Jack Black two wins in a row.
The art style looks amazing like like it'll be one of those games where you enjoy just walking around and enjoying the scenery. Most people agree that gameplay can make up for graphics but I'll take it a step farther and say that in my opinion graphics can make up for gameplay. My reasoning is that this is looking to be a fun as hell game experience combining gameplay,story and an intriguing world together into one metal showing.
Here's some gameplay
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