I suggest watching this first because it'll get you all antsy. ;)
- After the conclusion of the first Bioshock, Rapture was left in ruins. The splicers were trapped and forced to fight savagely over the disappearing supply of Adam remaining in the underwater utopia. The Big Daddies wandered through the ruined place fruitlessly searching for the little sisters that had been destroyed or saved from the wretched place (depending on how you played the game and the ending you got). Then everything changed, she made her long awaited return to Rapture; the Big Sister. With her she brought her little ones and Adam is flowing through their veins. There’s no need to attack these “innocent” little girls anymore; however, because you’re part of the family now; you’re a Big Daddy.
- Ten years have passed since you were last in Rapture and you play the first Big Daddy prototype. Unlike in the first installment where Big Daddies were slavishly ordered around by their little sisters, you have a choice and you can make your own decisions. You might say, well I got to play as a Big Daddy in Bioshock 1 and it wasn’t all that, and you’d be right. This time around; however, you’re the real deal, drill, rivot gun, and plasmids all within your control. The drill replaces the wrench from the previous games as you primary tool for melee attacks. This weapon; however, is much more powerful and only has the one setback of the drill overheating after certain amount of continuous use. Plasmids have evolved in the ten years that you were gone. Now, instead of just upgrading the power and range of the plasmids, the plasmid itself is changed. For example, the first stage incinerate plasmid stays the same as before, then the second stage of the sizzling plasmid changes from lighting enemies on fire to shooting fire balls at them, and finally in the third stage, your hand is transformed into a flamethrower to easily scorch all those who oppose you. Plasmids have also evolved in the light of option of plasmid combination. In the original Bioshock the cyclone plasmid was very weak and basically useless for it only threw enemies into the air; but, when the cyclone and incinerate plasmids are combined, it makes for a deadly booby trap, sending enemies flying into the air whilst on fire.
- No matter what weapons you use or how powerful your plasmids are, Big Daddies are nothing without their Little Sister and vise versa. The lacking interaction with little sisters in either rescuing or harvesting them has had a major overhaul. The harvest option still remains as a choice but it wouldn’t make sense to harvest a little sister that only has a small amount of Adam and if “you have a heart” you know you’ll rescue them, or adopt as it is called in Bioshock 2. The adopt option allows you to use the Little Sister to lead you to Adam so she can harvest while you protect her from enemies trying to get the Adam all for themselves. Once she has completed getting all of the Adam from the “angel”, as the Little Sisters call them, she will give you a portion of it and hop back onto your back.
- You may be thinking that you’re basically an unstoppable force that can’t be defeated; that’s where you’re wrong. There is someone more powerful than you in Rapture, and that is the Big Sister. She is an extremely quick and agile opponent who has metal-plated reinforced suit just as you do. Where did this strange woman come from you say, well The Big Sister was in fact a Little Sister ten years ago and she’s back to set things straight. She has an Adam needle implanted into her arm that sends the Adam she collects directly into her bloodstream; this creates for more powerful plasmids than ever seen before.
- A huge complaint from Bioshock 1 was the lack of multiplayer integration, but this won’t be the case in the second game. The multiplayer in Bioshock 2 takes place one year before the start of the first Bioshock. The story behind the multiplayer is that the company, Sinclair Solutions, is using ordinary citizens to test their new plasmids and weapons to find the best of the best for use as home security. The civil war that is going on during the time gives the motivation for the citizens to go to war against their fellow residents. The multiplayer would be empty without Big Daddies, so Big Daddy suits can be found in the world and equipped. This makes you a force to be reckoned with, but also a bigger target. Finally, the two modes that have been released are Survival of the Fittest where, every man fends for himself, and Civil War, where two opposing forces go against each other.
- This game is planned to be released on November 3, 2009 and will be available on Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.
Bioshock 2 gameplay:
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