
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The New E74 Hardware Error, and is This the Real RROD?

With the Red Rings of Death still hitting hard throughout the gaming community, nobody can afford anything else that can go wrong. But alas a new hardware failure called the E74 error has been spreading throughout the masses.When asked about it, Microsoft says that they really don't know the source of the error. The error has been popping up more frequently since the NXE update, and, on top of getting the failure, it's not covered in the warranty. This raises the question of "Did Microsoft change some type of code during the NXE update to change the, what we used to know as the red rings, to this new E74, so it wouldn't be covered in the warranty?" Who knows, but Microsoft should really start fixing this problem or stop making consoles that will break indefinitely. The only information that we know is that it causes 1 red light to flash and it also may be a problem with chips melting or not being connected. The only thing people can do if they get this error is to buy a new Xbox, unless Microsoft turns around and starts fixing the problem. And I highly doubt that, because Microsoft has already lost a ton of money fixing the original problem, the RRODs.

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