In the past 2 week or so there have been lots of demo to come out on XBLM. Some good, Some bad and not 1 but 2 of them with Vin Diesel. While I suggest you check out all of the ones that interest you here is my opinion on them.
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
First up is Riddick. This is a remake of the stellar Xbox 1 title "Escape from Butcher Bay" Now stealth games are not really my favorite but from the demo its looks like it is a great game. The graphics are great the demo is a good length and most of all its fun. It took me a bit to get used to the controls as they are not quite as similar as most FPS games. But once I got ahold of the controls its a was good time killing with the blades that Riddick carries around with him. Overall its a fun demo that you should check out if you like FPS or stealth games.
Second is the game demo from the hit movie Wanted. Its a 3rd person action game with a gears of wars style cover system that works really well. The demo just throws you right into the game with no introduction to the controls. After playing the demo I found out that there was a tutorial in the options menu so watch out for that. Overall the demo made me more interested in the game and was very fun. This game is definitely on my radar now. Check out the demo
Legends of Wrestlemania
The demo has only 1 match type that is single player where you play as either hogan or Andre the giant. The wrestlers themselves look great but the crowd as well as other details have awful graphics. The controls are unintuitive and slow, and are very difficult to actually use them. Most of the grapple moves consits of quick time events that leave the game very boring. I'd pass on this.
The second demo with Vin Diesel is Wheelman. This demo is based off of his upcoming movie of the same name. It's a driving game with really bad driving physics but for some reason its fun to play. Its a very arcade like game and has some cool idea's It does not seem like its triple A game but check out the demo for yourself.
Ninja Blade
This game is basically Microsoft's version of Ninja Gaiden. Nuff Said, Play the demo, Its awesome. For those of you who have never played Ninja Gaiden its a 3rd person hack and slash game.
Legends of Wrestlemania
The demo has only 1 match type that is single player where you play as either hogan or Andre the giant. The wrestlers themselves look great but the crowd as well as other details have awful graphics. The controls are unintuitive and slow, and are very difficult to actually use them. Most of the grapple moves consits of quick time events that leave the game very boring. I'd pass on this.
The second demo with Vin Diesel is Wheelman. This demo is based off of his upcoming movie of the same name. It's a driving game with really bad driving physics but for some reason its fun to play. Its a very arcade like game and has some cool idea's It does not seem like its triple A game but check out the demo for yourself.
Ninja Blade
This game is basically Microsoft's version of Ninja Gaiden. Nuff Said, Play the demo, Its awesome. For those of you who have never played Ninja Gaiden its a 3rd person hack and slash game.
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